Roanoke River Greenway closed for flooding

Roanoke River Greenway closed for flooding

Due to the rains we ae currently receiving, the Low Water Bridge and Wiley Drive will be closed downstream of Wasena. It is likely other low sections of the greenway will be inundated with water based on the forecasts, so use caution and be prepared to turn around.

Those locations include –

  • Roanoke River Greenway
    • on the Bridge the Gap section underneath the two railroad trestles
    • underneath Bridge Street
    • near 13th Street SE 
  • Tinker Creek Greenway
    • near Kenwood where Tinker Creek meets Roanoke River
    • under Dale Ave SE
    • under the train tressle near Wise Ave SE
  • Lick Run Greenway
    • near 10th Street NW

The gates at Wiley Drive will likely remain closed until early next week.