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2024 Annual Report released

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Greenway Plan

Greenway Plan

The 2018 Roanoke Valley Greenway Plan is a ten year update to previous plans (1996, 2007). The Plan recognizes the successes of the first twenty years and documents some of the changing dynamics in the valley, technology, and the economy. This 2018 Plan provides an update on the status of greenway routes, documents progress meeting goals established in 2007, recognizes the need to tie neighborhoods to the bigger network for a bikeable and walkable community, and incorporates Botetourt County, a new member of the Greenway Commission, into the planning process and vision. While many miles of greenways and trails are now built, many routes are still conceptual and represent a vision for a comprehensive greenway network. Localities use the Greenway Plan to identify site opportunities and procure funding for these routes.

The 2018 Plan recognizes that:

  • Greenways have become important to the economic vitality of the region, supporting tourism, recruitment, redevelopment, festivals, fitness and a healthy environment. Greenways are the core infrastructure for the region’s brand, Roanoke Outside.
  • Greenways and trails are the face of the region for many visitors and potential businesses and thus should be well marked and well maintained, providing a pleasant and rewarding experience for all.
  • Citizens want a bikeable and walkable community and need expanded signage and on-road facilities to provide connectivity between greenways, neighborhoods, and other destinations.
  • All user groups need to practice common courtesies, good greenway etiquette, and safe usage practices.
  • The growing greenway network requires increasing maintenance budgets to maintain service.