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2024 Annual Report released

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About the Greenways

About the Greenways

The Roanoke Valley Greenway network includes paved and natural surface trails in the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, the Town of Vinton, Roanoke County and Botetourt County. The greenway network is part of the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure for the region and increasingly provides connectivity to neighborhoods via sidewalks, bike lanes and on-road facilities. The backbone of the system is the Roanoke River Greenway, running west to east, which will eventually be over 30 miles long. Roanoke River Greeenway will connect to the north-south greenways like Mason Creek, Lick Run, and Tinker Creek, which tie to the public lands and trail opportunities surrounding the Valley. The greenways and trails are avenues to get places without a car, a free training ground for athletes, a place to meet your neighbors, and an economic driver for the region.

Development and management of the greenway network is a partnership with public and private players and many, many volunteers. Learn how you can get involved to support expansion of the network, care of the facilities, and service to greenway users.

Greenway Partners

The Local Governments: Greenways in the Roanoke Valley are owned and operated by the locality in which they are located. For fastest service, contact the locality directly:

  • City of Roanoke: Parks and Recreation, 540-853-2236
  • County of Roanoke: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, 540-387-6078
  • City of Salem: Streets Department, 540-375-3039, or Planning Department, 540-375-3032
  • Town of Vinton, Planning Department, 540-983-0605
  • Botetourt County, Parks Department, 540-928-2130

The Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission

The Greenway Commission is an intergovernmental advisory board that coordinates among the localities for planning, funding, information, volunteers, and greenway development.

Pathfinders for Greenways

Pathfinders is a 501(c)3, non-profit, volunteer group. Board members coordinate trail building volunteers and fund raising for specific projects.