Garst Mill Greenway, a half mile, paved section of Mudlick Creek Greenway, is located in Roanoke County’s Garst Mill Park. This neighborhood park has many facilities for families, such as playgrounds, picnic shelter, tennis courts, and ball fields. The greenway begins with a bridge and parallels the creek through the park. Frequent users include children learning to ride bikes, groups with wheelchairs, neighbors walking dogs, and folks with mobility impairments. There are two memorial benches honoring greenway founders Lee Eddy and Charlie Blankenship. This creek has seen significant flooding in the past, which the County has addressed through riparian buffers and stream restoration, so be prepared to leave if the creek starts to rise!

Interactive Trail Map
Map Tools
Recommended Activities
Rules, Regulations
& Etiquette
Trail Rules
Some trails cross jurisdictions along route. Rules vary by jurisdiction.
System-Wide Rules:
- Yield to pedestrians.
- Keep to the right, pass on the left.
- Give an audible warning when passing.
- Maintain safe, courteous speeds.
- Keep pets on a leash.
- Clean up after pets.
- Keep the greenway trash free.
- No trespassing after hours.
- No motor vehicles.
- No alcohol, camping, hunting, or fires.
Roanoke County Hours:
- Hours: 6 am -9 pm.
General Trail Etiquette
- Share the trail.
- Slow down when congested.
- Do not take up more than half the trail.
- Keep leashes short.
- Wear appropriate safety equipment.
- Step off the trail when stopping.
- Scoop the poop immediately.
- Carry trash to waste receptacles.