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2024 Annual Report released

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Blue Ridge Parkway Trails

The Blue Ridge Parkway has paralleling trails in the Roanoke region for hiking and horseback riding. These trails are managed by the National Park Service and are not open to bicycles. There are four distinct sections: Horse Trail, a 11-mile trail for equestrians and hikers, from Stewarts Knob Overlook MP 110.6 to MP 121.4 at […]

Trail Details

Trail Distance:
17 mile
Amount of Use:
Trail Difficulty:
Surface Type:

Catawba Greenway

As of September 2021, the two legs of the Catawba Greenway are a 2.9 mile trail, connecting the Appalachian Trail to the Catawba community. when combined with the Appalachian Trail, the Catawba greenway makes for about a five mile loop, or about a 10 mile option to hike out to McAfee Knob. The Catawba Greenway […]

Trail Details

Trail Distance:
2.9 mile
Amount of Use:
Trail Difficulty:
Surface Type:
Mostly natural, with some gravel road sections

Roanoke Valley Greenways Trail Finder

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